Present Sherry Anshara, the author, speaker, and designer of QuantumPathic Energy Method, a holistic healing modality.
Create a persona for Sherry Anshara, the brand, that would echo the image to be presented across all business efforts.
Voila. Consistently conveying compelling characteristics of this forward-feeling woman, and the brand, Sherry Anshara.
To expand awareness of Sherry Anshara and access to her proprietary QuantumPathic Energy Method, strategic relationships were created with key influencers in the self-improvement industry. A ten-minute meeting arranged with Vishen Lakiani of resulted in a world of opportunity, including being featured among prominent industry experts with her masterclass titled “Involved Conscious Evolution.”
After reaching new heights, Sherry Anshara and QuantumPathic continue to evolve as The Anshara and The Anshara Method at the hands of the California-based marketing team of Randall Blaum and David Scotland who have worked with such clients as Paula Abdul, Madonna, and George Lucas. Carry on, Sherry Anshara, to the next level of success!
Determine characteristics that embody the brand, Sherry Anshara.
A brilliant and joyful person, Sherry Anshara is like Coco Chanel ± Albert Einstein infused with Kokopelli spirit. She spent years excelling in a male-dominated field, cultivating her own style and success. Then, after a few life-threatening accidents, Sherry awakened to her calling—applying the science of quantum physics to life in a way that assists people to know and own their truth, realize their personal power, and become free of external authority and the B.S. belief systems that run our lives. Like Einstein, she stays with the problem to the core, determines critical facts at the origin of illness in order to recover and heal. Like Coco who redesigned women’s fashion with a hint from menswear, making clothing more comfortable and fitting for activity, Sherry assists people to feel “well in their skin.” With wisdom, insight, and wit, Sherry brings this all together in the Quantumpathic® Energy Method.