June 2014


Content Creation – Magazine Articles

Tamara Parisio for THE BARKTORIALIST

Tamara Parisio writes for THE BARKTORIALIST

Tamara Parisio writes for THE BARKTORIALIST

Tamara Parisio writes for THE BARKTORIALIST

The Barktorialist Magazine

Tamara Parisio writes for THE BARKTORIALIST


TWEET it – increase your social shares

Invite social shares for your next blog post or for a website page by creating a pre-populated tweet link. With this you can generate a hyperlink that automatically posts a twitter message when clicked. Try it!

  1. To create a pre-populated tweet link URL, start with: http://twitter.com/home/?status=
  2. Following the equal sign, add the text tweet message using the plus sign (+) for spaces
  3. Add the URL, bit.ly link, and/or Twitter handle
  4. If you include a hashtag, replace the pound sign (#) with %23.

Here is how the URL would look to add a tweet-it link to this post:


Tweet This!

Remember to test the URL in your browser before adding it as a hyperlink to make sure formatting is correct.