May 2014


A Bit About Twitter

Social media is on the rise, and it can be daunting. Here are a few tips to help build twitteraderie.

Present your brand image consistently. Include images that are indicative of your business.

Header. The measurements of the Twitter header is at least 1500px x 500px and Twitter seems to render png files better with less loss of image quality, so create it as PNG.

Profile. Your profile image should be at least 210px square.

Be sure to include your website and a brief brand message.


The primary Twitter audience is young adults. They are interested in news, text updates and links to information. Twitter is good for sharing original and curated content including links to interesting articles or blogs; quotes, industry news, announcements or newsletters, Vine or YouTube videos and event updates. Comments, shares and retweets are a good indication of efficacy.

For twitter, it is good to post daily and as often as hourly. It is reported that 22 tweets per day is optimal.


Here are some idea starters for your twitter feed:

  • Post an event. Share a link to a conference, a webinar, a program of interest.
  • Created content. Link to your recent blog article with an attractive headline.
  • Reflection. Report on a lesson learned or Seen-&-Heard incident.
  • Imagery. Upload a photo worth 1000 words in this arena of 140 characters.
  • Curated content. Post a link to an article you find of interest.
  • Interact. A direct tweet using the @ sign can be a good conversation starter.
  • Retweet. Share tweets from others that you find of interest.

Images. It is good to include an image with your post. The optimal size for a photo uploaded to twitter post is 506px wide by 260px high.

Links. Place links about a quarter of the way through your tweet message for the highest click through rate.

While the length of a tweet is limited to 140 characters for easy consumption across mobile and text, it is best to keep your post between 70-100 characters. A report by Buddy Media revealed that Tweets shorter than 100 characters get a 17% higher engagement rate.

Be chipper. Be chirpy. Be choosy.


Be Curious.

cu·ri·os·i·ty [kyoor-ee-os-i-tee] noun, plural cu·ri·os·i·ties.
1. the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.
2. a curious, rare, or novel thing.
3. a strange, curious, or interesting quality.
4. (archaic) carefulness; fastidiousness.

Curiosity drives us along a path of discovery along the way to discovery.

Tweet This: Curious people tend to embrace life more abundantly, have bigger dreams, and be more successful. #CreateAGreatDay

Ask the questions. What do customers want? What do they need? Success starts and ends with asking the right questions—and then asking more.

Explore relevancy, appeal, motivation, belief systems, trends, tendencies and more. What are people saying about your brand? And why? What is the perception of your industry? Where are the conversations happening? And when? Who is interested in what?

Answer the questions to yield unique messages that set apart your brand in the marketplace, extolling the key differentiating facet that will attract lifelong associations. Establish a meaningful connection. With research and insightful interpretation, determine effective ways to unite a person and your brand by responding to their desires.

Respond with insight, clarity, intention to show your expertise and attract attention. Forge a relationship. Build affinity. Ensure a positively personal brand experience.

Life is meaningful when you do something you love. Look into it.

Tweet This: “The important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Albert Einstein #CreateAGreatDay


Create Presence & Consistently Present It

Indicative of how an image is planted and then blossoms in the world of your business, here is presented the further evolution of the Logo Design for Elissa Henkin M.A., Advocate and Educational Consultant. In this, the logo is incorporated in the design of business stationery.

Elissa Henkin M.A. | Stationery Suite

Elissa Henkin M.A. | Stationery Suite

Three paper-based items are absolutely crucial to your presence in the marketplace: letterhead, envelopes, and business cards. Along with your logo, these items are the pillars of a well-defined identity.

Though seemingly ephemeral impressions, the subliminal communications value of elegant stationery must not be overestimated. The best stationery works hard to present your image and convey your values in a tangible way.

Traditionally, many of the world’s most successful companies have relied heavily on sharply-focused stationery. Whether you’re starting your business, building your business, or simply trying to stay in business, whatever your field, these three elements of corporate identity are vital for success.


MARULA Mother’s Day

To honor mom and feature MARULA Facial Oil as a gift option for Mother’s Day, we created this MARULA campaign for April and May asking for shared photos of mom. With this campaign, MARULA created an opportunity for reminiscing and remembering special moments with mom in an unfolding celebration of Mother’s Day.  And we reminded all of the soothing, pampering, protection, and indulgence that comes with a gift of MARULA. Participants are invited to LIKE the MARULABEAUTY Facebook page to enjoy MARULA tips, hints and sharing opportunities.

MARULA celebrates motherhood.

MARULA celebrates motherhood.

Mother's Day Indulgence

Mother’s Day Indulgence


A Picture Worth 1000 Words

The right image is worth a thousand words when included to reinforce your brand message. Add a photograph to punctuate your point in a post. Upload an illustration of your topic rather than just talking about it.  Share an example of your work to “show & sell” your expertise. Brand the images and make the photos available for sharing.

When you use compelling images, your message stands out from the rest. In fact, posts with shared images are five times more likely to engage viewers and help build relationships. So post a picture and build a relationship with your ideal clients. Perhaps you’ll find yourself starring on a Pinterest board, and more!