October 2016


Phoenix Fashion Week Stirs Up Some Stuff

All things fashion … did I ever tell you that I had hopes of becoming a fashion designer? In high school, I would create patterns out of newspaper and then cut fabric—dodging shag carpet fibers with the scissors—and sew while sitting on the floor. So this romp was especially interesting from the get-go.

My marketing colleague, Kim Halmekangas, and I found our way around the vendors, the fashionable, and the bar for a beverage. We took the opportunity to introduce Parisio & Co and DNA Marketing services to the startup entrepreneur designers around the runway.

Exploring the local scene and taking in the style, I gathered inspiration for scenes in future films… got great ideas for clients on the fringe of fashion (and some inspiration for a designer) … oh, and possibly conjured up a design for my dress befitting the Not Just Another Bleeped Up Love Story premiere red carpet event!

Speaking of the red carpet. Here I ran into documentary film producer, William Caple III. He was doing his magic for fashion week with the cameras and the crew. We took a moment for a heart-to-heart hug and exchanged details that we found alluring.

Anna Pawlenty interviews Tamara ParisioI was snagged for an interview with Anna Pawlenty — we both hail from Minnesota and find ourselves in the heat of things here in Arizona! Her presence at Phoenix Fashion Week provided coverage for the event, WamT Magazine, and Buzz TV Las Vegas.

We talked about fashion statements — how what you wear can spark an idea, establish an alliance, create a link. And, we explored the movie-ment of Not Just Another Bleeped Up Love Story — how we all are wired for conflict and connection.

Phoenix Fashion Week introduced me to designers making their way with style! And, in the realm of possibilities, we planted seeds of interest for a designer (or three) to do the wardrobe for our film.

Then I had the honor of spending time with the remarkable Louanna Faine of Real Talk Enterprise. From a childhood of trauma to a life of peace, acceptance, and assisting others, Louanna forges ahead, “changing lives one story at a time.”

We did a deep dive about Not Just Another Bleeped Up Love Story and how the film juxtaposes day-to-day situations with the underlying belief systems, programs, and conditioning that bring people together in communion and collaboration or opposition and enmity. This love story reveals the patterns that many experience as they follow the fairy tale of falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after… after what? Well, we just can’t wait till you see the movie!

So much to explore, so little time! We were ushered off to see the couture runway show that wrapped up Phoenix Fashion Week 2016.  The fabulous Yasmeen sang her heart out with “Selfish” as we enjoyed her name in lights! Kudos to Barbara Bultman who earned the distinction of emerging couture designer of the year.

Late in the evening, we sashayed home with a heart full of style, kinship, relation, and meaning.

Stay tuned. More to come.